Thank-you for trying the "special edition" of Distant Suns 4. This is a full working application. The only features that are locked out are those which would require large amounts of data, available on the CD-ROM version. You will need Adobe's Acrobat reader for the manual. If you do not have that installed, you may download it from If this serves your needs, enjoy it and let me know how you use it. If you would like the additional data which includes much better texture images for the planets, 16 million stars, over an hour of movies, and a catalog of space images, I would urge you to check in with the Distant Suns web site at This freeware version is based on the older Windows 3.1 software originally released in 1996. You may want to order the new Windows-95 edition, which will not only give you the additional data, but a much faster program. Furthermore, version 4 will no longer be supported, due to time constraints, whereas Distant Suns 5 will be. Even if you are not interested in purchasing the CD at present, please register with the Web site for announcements of upgrades, special deals and tips on how to use Distant Suns. Distant Suns 4 (special edition) is copyright 1998 by Mike Smithwick and may be duplicated for personal use only. It is available in special customized editions for non-profit organizations which promote space and science, such as museums or astronomy clubs. It may not be resold alone or in a bundle without permission from the author, Distant Suns is a Trademark of Mike Smithiwck.